Why I Left the USA for UK

Why Kristin Left the USA for UK

Although I love my people and I love being a part of this [digital nomad] community, I also like to balance out all of that with some solo travel and alone time and going places that really remind me of being a foreigner in a foreign land. Being here in Manchester, I’m definitely the only non-local person in my community. Whereas these days, it can actually be easy to feel like you haven’t left your home country if you’re surrounded by a bubble of other people from your country, in a foreign country.
— Kristin Wilson

Kristin explains why she left the US to slow travel through the UK this summer and reveals 12 things to consider before moving to another country.

At the end, she reads and replies to her favorite YouTube comments live on the show.


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Related Podcasts:

Ep 104: Why Expats Leave Costa Rica

Ep 179: Why I Left the US for Portugal


Related Videos:

▶ Why I Left the US for Portugal https://youtu.be/HJ4oh7IAaeE

▶ Why I Left Costa Rica https://youtu.be/cbGMngGx2xk

▶ Why I Live Abroad https://youtu.be/JmE3RuO3wOI

▶ How I See the US After Living Abroad https://youtu.be/DO5x_tJBn7w


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