Posts tagged how to become a digital nomad
12 Myths About Being a Digital Nomad

There are quite a few inaccurate assumptions about what constitutes the digital nomad lifestyle and what it means to be a digital nomad—or any other variation of the term, including location-independent, remote worker, wandering professional, or something else.

Here are 12 of them…

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13 Reasons Why You May Be a Digital Nomad and Not Know It

"You're like, one of those digital nomads..." my client mentioned to me back in 2013.

The term "digital nomad" now seems to connote, by default, a new stereotypical image of a 20-something on the beach, with a laptop. It's not completely far-fetched, but being location independent is so much more than just being able to work from a hammock. Are you a digital nomad and didn’t even know it? Read on to find out…

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What it Means to be a Digital Nomad

Digital nomads hold one primary core value in common: self-sovereignty.

The ultimate goal of the location-independent lifestyle is freedom. Control over one’s destiny. Digital nomads are so passionate about this concept that we often eschew an actual physical home base. Because we can.

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