Posts tagged medium
How To Make Thousands of Dollars per Month Writing on Medium

Medium's top earning writer, Ayodeji Awosika, has made nearly half a million dollars writing on Medium. He shares why you should consider writing on Medium (even if you're not a writer). He explains the top mistakes new writers make, how Medium's algorithm works, why it's much different than blogging, and how much money people can earn within their first few months or years publishing there. Plus, Ayo and Kristin share their favorite books and life lessons from the past year.

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How to Overcome Depression, Find Happiness, and Get Jobs You Aren’t Qualified For With Medium's John Gorman

John Gorman was "dead broke" until 32. But in the span of a few years, he went from being a homeless bar singer in Austin, Texas to making six figures per year as one of Medium's top writers.

Find out how he did it, plus: how get over imposter syndrome, how to get jobs you aren't qualified for, how to overcome depression and anxiety, and much more.

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